(๑ö◡ö)۶ Exploring the Edges of AI: Custom GPTs as Life Enhancers

Anker Kafory
3 min readDec 9, 2023


Welcome to the intersection of technology and daily life! As a tech enthusiast and digital influencer, I’ve been exploring the myriad ways custom GPTs like ChatGPT Plus can simplify and enrich our lives. From household device management to a tentative dip into healthcare assistance, let’s delve into the realm of AI as a personal aide.

You will need a ChatGPT Plus account and basic knowledge of how to do the no-code custom GPTs (it’s very easy).

1. Your Home, Smarter:

Ever lost an appliance manual when you needed it most? Custom GPTs can rescue you from such predicaments. By uploading merged PDFs of all your device manuals into a custom GPT’s database, you gain instant access to a personalized troubleshooting guide. Ask away, and keep your household running smoothly without the clutter of paper manuals.

2. A Potent Yet Cautious Step into Healthcare:

Here’s where we tread lightly. While the idea of a custom GPT helping to manage personal healthcare records, interpret test results, or clarify medication queries is intriguing, it’s vital to note the significant legal and ethical considerations. In the U.S., HIPAA laws strictly govern the handling of medical information, and using a GPT in this manner could potentially breach these regulations. While some might venture into this territory, I cannot in good conscience recommend it. It’s a fascinating concept, but comes wrapped in legal and ethical complexities that can’t be ignored. (That being said, yes I did indeed upload months of MyChart reports for my mom’s current health complexities. It has changed the course of her life for the better, extended her health span, and allowed me to be a top shelf caretaker and advocate for her health (something I feel very passionately about). Plus, now we have cheat sheets to take in to the doctors with us so we don’t forget anything! I’m sorry, it’s brilliant and it’s unfortunate that I cannot recommend it wholeheartedly.)


3. Personalized Learning Paths:

Custom GPTs can become your personal tutor, whether you’re learning a language, coding, or exploring new hobbies. Tailor your AI to align with your learning materials and style, and watch as it becomes a source of personalized guidance and support.

4. Financial Management: A Digital Advisor:

Integrating financial resources into a custom GPT creates a unique tool for budgeting, investment strategies, and tax planning. It’s like having a financial advisor in your pocket, minus the consultancy fees.

My Take:

The versatility of custom GPTs opens up exciting avenues for simplifying and enhancing our daily lives. But as with any technology, there are boundaries to be respected, especially when it comes to sensitive areas like healthcare. For tech enthusiasts, these AI tools are a glimpse into a future where technology is not just a tool, but a partner in managing the complexities of modern life.

If you’ve enjoyed this exploration and find the ideas shared here valuable, don’t forget to show your support with some claps! It helps get this conversation in front of more eyes and keeps me motivated to bring more insights to you.

Stepping into the future with eyes wide open,

Anker Kafory




Anker Kafory

Specialist in Tech, AI, and digital art. Merging all that with lifestyle & philosophy for a better life. Engaging reads & lists. 👨‍💻 ankerelite.com