Sherlock Holmes Meets Modern Medicine: A Caregiver’s Tale with AI

Anker Kafory
2 min readDec 1, 2023


Imagine ChatGPT as a digital Sherlock Holmes, and I, a tech-savvy Watson, embarking on a quest to decode the Rosetta Stone of medical jargon. Picture this: a stack of medical reports, each more cryptic than an ancient hieroglyph, sitting on my coffee table. Enter ChatGPT, my AI accomplice, ready to translate these arcane texts into something resembling English.

In one instance, the AI unraveled a doctor’s note that read like a cryptic crossword clue. Another one was a color chart with no explanation. “Elevated ABC levels might indicate XYZ,” it stated. “Might,” I pondered. In the world of medical speak, ‘might’ is a chameleon word — it could mean everything or nothing, like a weather forecast in London.

Then there was the episode with the kidney lab results, resembling a lost Shakespearean play, full of dramatic tension and bewildering terminology (and also, somehow, an incredibly dry read). ChatGPT, in its digital wisdom, transformed it into a narrative as relatable as a sitcom episode, where each medical term found its place in the story of my mother’s health and I understood what was going on. I was filled with the confidence of going to a FRIENDS trivia night, and in the world of under-educated caregiving… that’s the whole deal.

Through this quirky adventure with AI, I became the translator of a language I never spoke. It was a blend of high-tech meets low-tech, where cutting-edge AI met the age-old practice of caregiving, turning me into an unlikely hero in the world of medical mysteries.

Beyond the thrill of a shiny new thing, there was a profound journey of discovery. Each piece of deciphered information brought me closer to my parents, turning me from an outsider to an active participant in their health narrative.

This experience wasn’t just a personal victory; it was a glimpse into a future where technology transcends its own boundaries. It painted a picture of a world where AI aids in caregiving, transforming the complexities of healthcare into approachable narratives.

In this blend of technology and caregiving, a new frontier emerged. It’s a testament to the power of AI in making the intricate simplicities of healthcare accessible, turning every daunting medical report into an opportunity for connection and understanding.



Anker Kafory

Specialist in Tech, AI, and digital art. Merging all that with lifestyle & philosophy for a better life. Engaging reads & lists. 👨‍💻